Monday, October 11, 2010

Foray into Blogland

As this is my first post, I can assure you it will be boring as shit. I have no clear definition of this blog, or even this post, so have fun with the whole 'keeping up' thing.

At the moment, I'm going through a hellish housemate saga so I'll be sure to post that delightfully entertaining story within the next few weeks. What that means though, is that I've had to move back in with my mum. This isn't terrible news, but it's not great news either.
I get cheaper rent, and don't have to worry about paying for groceries or electricity, which means I will have more money to save when I go to Thailand in December. But it means I have to eat proper food (no more pasta and cheese for dinner), do housework regularly and deal with my mum's partner's moods.

That last one is what is really going to suck proverbial balls. Since I'm so awesome at coming up with names, I'll call mum's girlfriend "Gabriel" so at least you know who I'm talking about.
So Gabriel and Ma have been together for something like 15 years, so she's been in my family in some way or another since I was a tiny, innocent child, still doing everything my brothers told me to do.
I see her as a second mother, but damn is she moody. If she's in a normal mood, her greeting will be a mumbled hello, but if she's shitty, all you'll get is a grunt.

When I was fifteen or so, I got sick of Gabriel never saying hello, so I stopped saying it to her when I got home from school.
Well damn man, shit went down. I was told off by my mum for upsetting Crankpot and when I tried to explain the situation, I somehow dug myself a deeper hole and gave up completely. I apologised, and now it's just something I have to deal with.

I'm not as down about the whole moving home situation as I thought I would be, which is definitely a good thing.
Also, my pup Monty had to go to the vet today, and that cost me over $200, so the money I'm saving will be very helpful right now.

I should get back to work, but here's a picture of Monty in a box, just 'coz.

- Mashonda

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